Local lessons
Animals Climate Change Ecosystems Earth Sciences Plants
Native Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub
- San Diego’s Native Habitats: Shrublands, Grade 4, SD Shrublands
- Local species cards for web chain activity, Species Cards
- 1-page descriptions of local habitats MSCP_SDHabitats_1pgDescriptions_2007
- Chaparral Shrublands of Southern California–A Pocket Naturalist Guide. Order for resale from Sunbelt Publications (www.sunbeltbook.com), or buy at Mission Trails Regional Park for $6.95. Contact gro.erutandnanerdlihcdsnull@ofni
Nature Lessons for Schoolyards
Learn more about using schoolyard in grades K-5 to explore nature. Lessons and Three Videos
- Garden curriculum, SchoolGardenBook
- Nature Journaling for art, science, and language arts, CNPS_NatureJournaling_JMuirLaws_96p_2012
- Short inquiry-based nature activities suitable for schoolyards and natural areas, at Nature2Go Activities
- I Notice, I Wonder, It reminds me of… Notice Wonder