Nature-based learning really supports NGSS! These standards shift the focus to having students understand and do science and engineering, giving them a deeper understanding of key concepts and building critical thinking for their future in the knowledge- and technology-driven global society. There are three dimensions (scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas) that combine to form student performance expectations.
- The National Science Teaching Association is the most accessible site to these standards. The Disciplinary Core Ideas are organized by grade and science area (life sciences, earth-space and physical) at . Click on one of the topics for another page with performance expectations, Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, Common Core standards, and a few curriculum resources.
- Watch short videos of each of these standards at Bozeman Science.
NatureRubric (pdf) is a rubric that was developed for nature-based learning in San Diego. It outlines indirect, direct, and action-oriented nature experiences to develop a sense of place and local nature, and to investigate nature using Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts.
A learning community has formed, to understand and apply the NGSS to nature-and local-based learning. Workshops have been held since fall 2013 to explore the NGSS elements and how they fit together. Workshops are co-sponsored by and held at SDSU-Center for Research on Math and Science Education (CRMSE), 6475 Alvarado Road, San Diego, second floor, parking free.
The Next Generation Science Standards framework is posted at Much of the nature-based learning relates to these Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs):
- Life Sciences LS2.A. Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: How do organisms interact with the living and nonliving environments to obtain matter and energy?
- Life Sciences LS4.D. Biodiversity and Humans: Why do individuals of the same species vary in how they look, function, and behave?
- Earth and Space Science ESS2.D. Weather and Climate: What regulates Weather and Climate?
- Earth and Space Science ESS3.C. Human Impacts on Earth Systems. How do humans change the planet?
Other resources:
- Core document outlining the 5 Es instructional model (engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate), 2006, 19 p. BSCS_5E_Instructional_Model-ExecSummary_19p_2006