Community Science Network

SDCaN_SeeThis_oct07Community science projects have advanced scientific knowledge since the days of naturalists, and community scientists now collect extensive data about species occurrence and distribution locally and globally. Community science projects involve scientists, land managers, and people who want to learn more about their local nature and experience scientific processes.

SD_CitizenSci_imageTreeBeeGraphThe San Diego Community Science Network (SDCSN) is a unique and innovative approach to building a regional collaboration that supports Public Participation in Scientific Research (PPSR). It serves the needs of multiple stakeholders by providing a spectrum of “entry points” into citizen science, and facilitates collaboration by identifying and leveraging existing and potential resources for the region. The San Diego Community Science Network was founded in 2012 and is organized by Shelley Glenn Lee (ScienceBridge at UCSD), Anne Fege (San Diego Children and Nature Network), MaryAnn Hawke (Geodactics), and Meredith Vaughn (San Diego State University).

Facebook: San Diego Citizen Science Network


  • Citizen science website at Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology, one of the leaders in citizen science (not just birds).
  • iNaturalist website to learn more about to record what you see in nature (for individual observations, not suitable for large projects), meet other nature lovers, and learn about the natural world,
  • Catalog of citizen science-naturalist projects in California. List of citizen science and other Public Participation in Scientific Research (PPSR) projects for California Naturalists and other citizen scientists. Search for “San Diego” to get the (limited) listed local projects.   Post your project at
  • Inventory of informal science education research and resources, at Search for “citizen science California” to get list of projects in California.  Informal science education generally covers programs at science centers, museums, zoos and aquariums, botanical gardens, nature centers, cyberlearning and gaming, community, youth, and out of school time programs.
  • NAAEE –  North American Association for Environmental Education

Bird Spotting scope father sonResources and articles