Lessons about local animals
- Adaptations: Secrets to Survival, grade 3, from San Elijo Lagoon, SELC_AdaptationsGr3
Arthropod Adventures (invertebrates), Middle School
These lessons feature schoolyard-based nature inquiry for middle school students, funded by a cooperative agreement from the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.
- SDCaN_ArthropodLessons MS, 10 pages
- SDCaN_ArthropodStudentGuide MS, 9 pages
- Video of seventh grade science students collecting and observing invertebrates, Video Arthropods
More animal lessons and activities
- Bird Behavior and Biology–Start in your Schoolyard, by Taylor Good, Naturalist SDCaN_SDSEA_BirdBehavEcol_Schoolyard_28feb15
- Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, Jacques Chirazi, Biomimicry Educator, Biomimicry San Diego Biomimicry_Presentation_28feb15 More info at Biomimicry San Diego
More pages for classroom teachers: Nature and NGSS Taking Students Outdoors Schoolyard Habitats Local Lessons Videos Natural History and Citizen Science